Mode of Action

Mulpleo promotes platelet production from within1

Mulpleo acts on the haematopoietic stem cells and on the transmembrane domain of human thrombopoietin (TPO) receptors expressed in megakaryocytes.1

This stimulates megakaryocyte proliferation and differentiation via a signal transduction pathway similar to endogenous TPO, leading to thrombocytopoiesis and increased platelet count in patients.1

Mulpleo binds to TPO receptors at all stages of thrombocytopoiesis2

<p>Mulpleo binds to TPO receptors at all stages of thrombocytopoiesis<sup>2</sup></p>

Adapted from Kaushansky K, 1998.²



Mulpleo (lusutrombopag) Summary of Product Characteristics.


Kaushansky K. N Engl J Med. 1998;339(11):746–754.


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PP-UK-LUS-0315. Date of preparation: January 2023.